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Mature skin has special, higher demands. It needs rich care and much moisture as well as nutrients. Demanding skin is often very dry and obviously wrinkles are formed over time. With the right anti-aging cream, mature skin can gently and intensively be care and appear radiantly beautiful and youthful.

Hyaluronic hand care


Hyaluronic hand care


Beauty fluid for very dry, demanding skin


Fruit acids (AHA) + enzymes + mechanical peeling


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About Dr. med. Christine Schrammek derma.cosmetics:

Dermatological knowledge meets high-class skin care. Developed and formulated by dermatologist Dr. med. Christine Schrammek-Drusio, all our products are made with efficacy in mind. They consist of only the best available ingredients, combined with the latest scientific knowledge. Dr. Schrammek products are highly skin compatible and suitable for a variety of skin types, solving the skincare needs of thousands of professionals and enthusiasts in more than 50 countries.